New Year Visioning from Dr. Jean Houston – a creative exercise for setting intention

Abstract Colorful Universe Wallpaper - TTdesign (Photo credit: tomt6788)

A New Year Exercise to Pave the Way for Galloping Synchronicities

The New Year is a great time to reflect. This exercise comes from Jean Houston. If you do the steps be ready to experience strange and wonderful coincidences because it sets a powerful and clear intention and allows your creative and ‘deep mind’ to begin working.

To fully engage, it’s important to play the role of someone who is fully receptive to honouring thoughts, ideas, images and memories as they appear as if out of nowhere. Honouring them means to write them down without prejudging; to go with the flow, as it were.


Step 1

Divide a piece of paper in three columns

  1. At the top of the first column write, What do I want from the universe? Allow yourself to write whatever comes.
  2. At the top of the second column, What does the universe want from me? Allow yourself to write whatever comes.
  3. At the top of the third column, What do we want together? What do the universe and I want? Allow yourself to write whatever comes.

Step 2: When you have completed the first set, put the paper aside for a few hours.

Come back to it in a few hours with this adaptation to the previous questions; the 1st column, deeper still, what do I want from the universe?, the 2nd column, deeper still, what does the universe want from me?, and the 3rd column, deeper still, what do we (myself and the universe) want together?

Step 3: Let the questions and your responses gestate for a few days.

Come back to this exercise when you are feeling in a particularly receptive or spiritual mindset. Return to the three questions with this adaptation; deepest yet, what do I want from the universe?, deepest yet, what does the universe want from me?, and deepest yet, what do we want together?  After writing your additional and deeper responses, continue.

Step 4: Ask yourself these questions to instill the journey

  • What talents are available?
  • What are the support and resources available?
  • What needs to be added?
  • What is this looking like?
  • What do we need to work together?

Step 5: Finally, ask the universe…

Go back to the universe and say – okay universe – this is what we need. What else is missing? Write down everything that comes.


This exercise sets a powerful and clear intention and allows your creative and ‘deep mind’ to begin working on it.  I’d love to hear about your experience with this method.  Mine has been profound repeatedly over the years. Thanks to Marcy Nelson-Garrison of Coaching Toys for re-sending this classic.

Marci Segal, MS, Freeing leaders’ thinking so they can create new futures.